The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has a special web page with Coronavirus information, updates and tips. Click here
Miami-Dade County’s Coronavirus page also has updates as well as a listing of additional online resources. Click here
Florida Department of Health’s Coronavirus page. Click here
The Miami-Dade School Board also has a Coronavirus page, as well as a Parent Guide to the Novel Coronavirus. Click here
Elderly Assistance: Florida Department of Elder AffairsElder Helpline: 1.800.96.ELDER (800.963.5337). Long term care provider.
Maintaining Wellness in Crisis: Boosting Children’s Emotional Health Click here
Distance Learning Resources for Students and Teachers Click here
Comprehensive Resource Guide for Students and Teachers Click here
Parent Academy has many resources available through Miami-Dade County Public Schools.


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How to Deal with the Panic Pandemic

The mental toll of Coronavirus on kids

Keeping our children away from exposure to Coronavirus will be every parent’s top priority for the foreseeable future. But exclusively focusing on the physical would be a mistake. The mental toll the pandemic will take on all of us, especially those who are less equipped to deal with stress, promises to be a daunting byproduct of these unprecedented times.  

The good news is that just as you can take many steps to safeguard their physical health, you can also do things to protect their mental and emotional wellbeing. Our world may be put on hold, but this can still be a time to strengthen our child’s character and create an even stronger parent-child bond.  

For all the latest information on the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic click here

So, how do you ease the fears of your children while also prepping them to be realistic about the pandemic that is beyond your control?  Here are some tips to help them — and you — be ready for upcoming times.  

Do Dialogue. Have them talk about knowledge of Coronavirus and their feelings and let them know it’s ok to be scared. Remind them, too, that it’s also ok if they don’t feel like chatting. Your job is simply to be there and let them know you’re doing everything in your power to keep them safe.  

Prepare for what’s coming. Discuss “what ifs” as a family including what precautions they need to take in public and what steps to take to limit exposure. As a family, you should also contemplate what you will do if someone in the family shows symptoms of the virus.   

Inform but protect. News reports can be scary and hard to understand, especially for children. Talk with your kids about what they’ve already seen and heard. The best rule of thumb: watch or listen to the news together and discuss the reality of the situation. It would be wise to keep younger children away from additional media coverage as what they may hear on TV may sound scarier than it actually is.  

Census Goes On Despite Coronavirus

Watch Out for Coronavirus Scams!

Telehealth Visits 101: Prepping and Expectations

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Britto coloring book, multi-color
If you live in Miami-Dade County, The Children’s Trust and Romero Britto are happy to mail your child a FREE coloring book.

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Britto coloring book, multi-color
Start having fun with the Romero Britto FREE Coloring Book

Please note: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity or provide us with your e-mail address. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.